Weather Announcement
Tiger Attendance
Cream and Red background with orange stick flower designs. Reads: Fantastique! 12 Tigers attended the 24th annual Congres francais in Chesterfield County on Saturday. All students competed in French competitions and workshops throughout the day.
Green background with white writing: Secondary Students and Families: How to participate in Virtual Classroom Meetings
Spotlight on JRT Track, Swimming, and Wrestling Students, black background with 3 spotlights
PTSO Bingo Night JRT Bingo, Free Event, blue background with clouds, trees, and water, words written as a video game
HCPS Teacher of the Year Finalists
Yay of the Day logo
Online School Payment - Parent Instructions; Choose your school level, then your school, Henrico County Public Shcools, VA Online School Payments
A student uses their new student ID card to get on the bus.
Welcome to the New Tucker Website; Click on the Site Menu for All Things Tucker! Check out "Tucker Resources " for bell schedules, attendance forms, etc.