Football Game 10/13/23 Thank you PTSA for all the pictures!
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
Cheerleaders with pom poms over their head; wearing pink t-shirts
Cheerleaders cheering with one girl in the air
3 band members wearing blue tiger shirts and sunglasses
Football Game 10/13/23 Pink Out
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
This is Tiger Nation; Hear Us Roar; drummers playing in the stands
Pink Out; 3 girls wearing pink, Teacher wearing tiara
five students sitting in stadium wearing pink
group of girls in the stands with pink paint under their eyes
Football Game 10/13/23
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
J. R. Tucker Athletics 10/13/23; Pick up students selling fried oreos for field hockey team fundraiser
Hall of Fame Inductees; 3 men standing on football field
Catch the Tiger Spirit! Students on football field doing a wheelbarrow relay
Immersion Recognition at Halftime; Students standing in the middle of the football field; Coming Soon: IB: 10/19/23 Neon and Alumni: 10/27/23 Tiger Spirit
Congratulations Seniors! Wheelbarrow Relay Winners; The sophomores won the Wheelbarrow Relay at the 10/13/23 Varsity Football game. They won a Clash of the Classes point for the sophomore class! Boy and girl with pink leis smiling on football field.
This is Tiger Nation Hear Us Roar; ROTC students dancing and holding Tiger Paw flag
This is Tiger Nation Hear Us Roar; ROTC students holding platform with student doing arch on top
Here is what's happening next week in the world of sports! MONDAY, OCTOBER 16 Theme for day is SUPER MARIO: Dress like a Mario character! 7:00 pm: Field Hockey vs Freeman in the stadium; Girls Track will be recognized! At 6:30 pm, senior field hockey players will be honored! FREE MARIO OREOS TO THE 1ST 10 STUDENTS! TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17 Theme for day is Decades: Dress like the decade of your choice! 5:30 pm: Girls JV Volleyball vs Hermitage in the gym; Social Studies Staff will be recognized! 7:00 pm: Girls Varsity Volleyball vs Hermitage in the gym; Girls Varsity Basketball will be recognized! FREE PIXY STIX TO THE 1ST 10 STUDENTS! WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18 Pirate Theme for the day: Wear pirate hat, gold chains and baggy shirt! 4:00 PM: JV Football vs TJ in the stadium; Boys Track will be recognized! FREE EYE PATCH TO THE 1ST 10 STUDENTS! THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19 Theme for day is NEON: Wear anything neon! 5:30 pm: Boys JV Volleyball vs Deep Run 7:00 pm: Boys Varsity Volleyball vs Deep Run FREE GLOW STICK TO THE 1ST 10 STUDENTS AT EACH VOLLEYBALL GAME! 7:00 PM: Varsity Football vs TJ; Don't forget to wear neon! IB Students will be recognized and compete at halftime! FREE GLOW STICK TO THE 1ST 50 STUDENTS AT THE FOOTBALL GAME!
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
Blue slide with Mario Mushroom
Grey slide with stars
Brown slide with pirate hats, treasure and map
grey slide with smile, lightning and star
This Week in Sports; Pink slide with star and lightning; Neon Theme
This is Tiger Nation!
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
JR Tucker Athletics 9/21/23: This is Tiger Nation Hear Us Roar; Group of students in blue jumpsuits posing
Picture of the Band playing
Picture of flag girl posing
JROTC Bootcamp Challenge; ROTC student doing push ups on football field
JROTC Recognition at Halftime: ROTC students on field posing for picture; Coming soon: CSLGC/Immersion: 10/13/23 Pink-out; IB: 10/19/23 Neon; Alumni: 10/27/23 Tiger Spirit
This is Tiger Nation; Hear us roar; ROTC students in the bleachers cheering
Congratulations Seniors! Bootcamp Challenge Winners: The senior class won the Bootcamp Relay at the 9/21/23 Varsity Football Game. They won a Clash of the Classes point for the senior class! Boy and Girl in camo on field.
Picture of the back of the football team standing on sideline.
JRT Winners!
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
JR Tucker Athletics, Catch the Tiger Spirit, Varsity Baseball Team Recognition & Contest, 4 teams working at a table
Couch Potato Winners: Adelina and Liliana enjoyed the 9/14/23 Varsity Volleyball game from the courtside couch with free snacks!
This is Tiger Nation Hear Us Roar, Cheerleaders on Track with pom poms
Thank you Contest Participants! 4 boys standing on football field
Congratulations Juniors! Building Contest Winners; The junior class built the tallest card tower during the contest at the 10/3/23 Varsity Field Hockey game. They won a Clash of the Classes point for the junior class! 2 boys standing on field l
Football Throw Winner; Joseph threw the farthest during the contest at the 9/28/23 JV Football game. He won a Clash of the Classes point for the sophomore class!
This week in Tucker athletics!
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
Tues, Sept 19, Country vs Country Club: Wear Flannels or Polos; 5:30PM Volleyball-Girls JV vs Deep Run; Exceptional Ed Staff Recognition - Gym; 7:00 PM: Volleyball-Girls varsity vs Deep Run; Circle of Friends Club recognition - gym; free chips to the 1st 10 students at each game.
Tues, Sept 19; Country vs Country Club: Wear Flannels or Polos; 4:00 PM Varsity golf vs Godwin; Hollows Golf course; Free Airheads to the 1st ten students who attend
Wed, Sept 20, Super Mario Theme: Dress like a Mario character! 5:30 PM: Volleyball-Boys JV vs Maggie Walker; Math Staff Recognition - Gym; 7:00 PM: Volleyball-Boys V vs Maggie Walker GSA Club Recognition - Gym; Free Mario Oreos to the 1st  10 students at each game.
Wed, Sept 20; Super Mario Theme: Dress like a Mario character! Tiger Spirit Hour; 5:30-6:30 Cross Country Crump Park; Free Mario Oreos to the 1st ten students who check in at the event
Wed, Sept 20, Super Mario Theme: Dress like a Mario Character! 7:00 PM Varsity Field Hockey vs Godwin; Black Student Union Recognition - Stadium; Free Mario Oreos to the 1st 10 students at the game.
Camo Theme: Wear anything camouflage! 7:00 PM: Varsity Football vs John Marshall JROTC Recognition; Let us hear you roar in the student section; free camo swag to the 1st 50 students at the game.
September 8th Football Game
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
This is Tiger Nation Hear us Roar: cheerleader on top of another cheerleader's shoulder throwing t-shirt to crowd in stadium
ROTC young man standing on bleachers getting the crowd pumped up
ROTC young man getting crowd pumped up; crowd hitting beach ball
Picture of crowd in bleachers with tiger paw flag; Thank you students for rocking the TIGERS' Den at our first home varsity football game on 9/8
Picture of ACA students in the middle of the football field during halftime
Hula Hoop Contest Winners: two boys with orange and blue leis; ACA seniors won the halftime competition at the varsity football game
This Week In Athletics: Thursday, September 14th Mythology Theme: Dress as the character of your choice! 5:30 PM Boys JV Volleyball vs Hermitage (English Department Recognition) 7:00 PM Boys Varsity Volleyball vs Hermitage (Young Republicans Recognition) Free Fruit Gushers to the 1st 10 students at each game!
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
This week in athletics Thurs, Sept 14; Mythology Theme: Dress as the character of your choice! 5:30 PM Boys JV Volleyball vs Hermitage; 7:00 PM Boys Varsity Volleyball vs Hermitage; Young Republicans Recognition
This Week in Athletics: Monday, September 11; Theme: Ancient Times; Wear a toga (bring a sheet) and sandals! 5:30 PM Girls JV Volleyball vs Hanover (Tech & Business Dept Recognized) 7:00 PM Girls Varsity Volleyball vs Hanover (Young Democrats Recognized) Free Capri Sun Juice to the 1st 10 students at each game.
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
This Week in Athletics: Monday, Sept 11 Theme: Ancient Times; Wear a toga (bring a sheet) and sandals!
Aloha Tigers! Support JR Tucker High School's PTSO by purchasing a LIMITED EDITION Hawaiian themed t-shirt to wear to the Hawaiian themed home football game on September 8th! You may also make a donation and 100% of the proceeds will go directly to Lahainaluna High School in Lahaina, Hawaii to help with recovery efforts from the devastating fires last month. Shirts will be available to pick up during lunch on Friday the 8th and at the spirit wear table during the game.
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
orange and blue flowers, white t-shirt with tiger in Hawaiian outfit, Hawaii Flash Sale and Donation, Limited Amount of Shirts, QR Code
This Week in Tucker Athletics
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
Tuesday, September 5, Tucker Merch Theme: Wear any Tucker spirit wear! 4:00 PM Varsity Golf vs Maggie Walker Hollows Oak Golf Course Free Airheads to the 1st 10 students who attend!
Thurs, Sept 7; Construction Theme: Wear hard hats, neon vests or jeans! 7:00 PM Varsity Field Hockey VS Patrick Henry Varsity Baseball Recognition Free Caution Tape To the 1st 10 Students at the game
Fri, Sept 8, Hawaiian Theme: Wear sunglasses, hats, tropical shirts. 7:00 PM: Varsity Football VS Meadowbrook ACA Recognition; Let us Hear you roar in the student section! Free Leis for the first 10 students at the game.
Tues, Sept 5, Tucker Merch Theme: Wear any Tucker spirit wear! 5:30 PM: Boys JV Volleyball vs Godwin, Admin & Office Staff Recognized; 7:00 Boys Varsity Volleyball vs Godwin; Young Democrats Recognized; Free Airheads to the first 10 students at the game.
Wed, Sept 6;  Back to Baby Theme: Wear diapers over your pants or pig-tails! 7:00 Varsity Field Hockey vs Hermitage Boys Varsity Basketball Recognition; Free Ring Pop to the first 10 students at the game.
Thurs, Sept 7; Construction Theme: Wear hard hats, neon vests or jeans! 5:30 PM Girls JV Volleyball vs Glen Allen; Counseling Department  Recognition; 7:00 Girls Varsity Volleyball vs Glen Allen; Art Club Recognition; Free Caution Tape to the first 10 students at the game.
Congratulations Freshman!
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
JR Tucker Athletics: Congratulations Freshmen! Scrabble Contest Winners; Coach Tinsley and JV Boys Basketball Freshman Class players unscrambled the letters in our Clash of the Classes contest at the 8/30/23 Varsity Field Hockey game. They won Clash of the Classes points!
JRT Athletic Event Winners!
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
Two girls standing on the track.  Trivia Contest Winners Maddie and Anna  got the most answers correct in our first Clash of the Classes trivia contest at the 8/22/23 Varsity Field Hockey game. They won the first Clash of the Classes points for the new school year!
Two girls sitting on couch. Couch Potato Winner: Natalie and her friend Delaney enjoyed the JV Volleyball game from the courtside couch with some free snacks. She was our first Couch Potato Winner of the 23-24 year!
Couch Potato winner Christian and his friend Sonny, enjoyed the JV Volleyball game from the courtside couch with some free snacks. He was our second Couch Potato winner of the 23-24 school year. Two boys sitting on couch.
Stop by to cheer on your Tiger Athletes!
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
This week in Tucker Athletics: Tues, August 22, Wear Orange & Blue; 5:30 girls jv volleyball vs Clover Hill FBLB Club Recognition - Gym; 7:00 Girls Varsity Bolleyball vs Clover Hill Cheese Club Recognitive - gym; 7:00 Varsity Field Hockey vs Hanover Varsity Softball Recognition - Stadium; Stop by to cheer on your Tiger Athletes! Free Orange or Blue Airheads to the 1st 10 Students at each game.
Come support the volleyball team and enter to win the couch potato spot!
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
This Week in Tucker Athletics; Who will be the Next Couch Potato? Students, enter your name in the drawing when you enter any volleyball game. If your name is drawn, you can invite a friend to enjoy the game from the courtside couch with some free snacks for the two of you!
Attention Seniors! It's time to sign up for your senior picture! The signup link is posted on the Events calendar. This is happening on August 11th or 18th.
over 1 year ago, J R Tucker High School
Class of 2024 Express Yourself with Strawbridge Studios Senior Pictures! Expressions: Girl jumping holding Senior sign.